Support Plan Tracker

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Welcome to the Support Plan Pack

This pack offers a systematic approach to understanding and addressing a child’s emotional dysregulation.


  • To gain a deeper understanding of the child’s individual circumstances and emotional needs.
  • To address emotional dysregulation from multiple perspectives.
  • To foster self-awareness and agency in the child.
  • To inform evidence-based decision-making
  • To adapt provision and strategies based on effectiveness of provision.


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Welcome to the Support Plan Resource Pack

This pack offers a systematic approach to understanding and addressing a child’s emotional dysregulation. By employing the Whole Child Assessment Tracker, Wellbeing Support Plan, and Provision Map, the user can:

  • Identify Underlying Causes: Conduct an assessment to identify potential root causes of emotional challenges, based on our Whole Child Approach.
  • Develop Personalised Plans: Collaborate with the child to create tailored support plans that empower them to take ownership of their well-being, a team-based approach.
  • Track Progress and Outcomes: Monitor the effectiveness of interventions through a structured provision map, enabling ongoing evaluation and adjustment.


  • Enhanced Understanding: Gain a deeper understanding of the child’s individual circumstances and emotional needs.
  • Holistic Approach: Address emotional dysregulation from multiple perspectives, considering the child’s attachment, sensory, emotional, social connection, and self-esteem needs.
  • Empowerment: Foster self-awareness and agency by involving the child in the development and implementation of their Wellbeing Support Plan.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilise the Provision Map to inform evidence-based decision-making and optimise intervention strategies.


  1. Assessment: Administer the Whole Child Assessment Tracker to gather comprehensive information about the child’s life experiences, relationships, and emotional state.
  2. Planning: Develop a personalized Wellbeing Support Plan in collaboration with the child, setting clear goals and outlining specific strategies to address identified needs.
  3. Implementation: Implement the support plan, utilizing the Provision Map to track the delivery of interventions and monitor progress.
  4. Evaluation: Regularly review the Provision Map to assess the effectiveness of interventions and make necessary adjustments.

This pack contains

  • Whole Child Assessment Tracker (Excel)
  • Wellbeing Support Plan (word)
  • Provision Map (Word)
  • Video Tutorial:  31 mins

Pack information

  • Number of Pages: Assessment Tracker: 2 pages, Wellbeing Support Plan: 4 pages, and Provision Map: 5 pages
  • Font:  Arial
  • Format: Word and Excel


This resource is FREE TO MEMBERS.

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